New online film journal LOLA launches with an issue on "Histories" !!

Diposting oleh good reading on Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Framegrab from Ohayo/Good Morning (Yasujiro Ozu, 1959), an image of the 'in-between' as analysed by Andrew Klevan in the inaugural issue of LOLA.
A big day! Film Studies For Free is delighted to relay the news that Girish Shambu has just published at his blog: LOLA, a new online film journal edited by Adrian Martin and Shambu, has just launched.

Below, FSFF also reproduces the wonderful table of contents which include some very hotly anticipated items, among many other must-read essays... So that's what FSFF is heading off to do now: it must read them!

For once, the links below don't take you straight to the item, but, instead, to the entry at girish's where you can find the full links as well as a brief summary of each article.

Congratulations, and many thanks, Adrian and Girish. Let all film scholars and cinephiles bless the birth of LOLA and all who sail in her!

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