Diposting oleh good reading on Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Prawn motoyaki on portobello mushroom.  Rating:  6/6I’ve been meaning to eat at Kai Sushi Bar for a while.  I received a 10% flyer a while ago but after looking at the menu realized the kiddies wouldn’t have [...]

On the Upswing Now

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I made it through round three. This one was a little rugged. I was pretty miserable with nausea and headaches the first couple days and then I got a bad case of the runs yesterday. I'm feeling better today, but not 100% yet. I'm hoping to be back [...]
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hair trend: CURVED FRINGE

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HAVING A SLIGHTLY CURVED/CURLED FRINGE...is a softer and easier way to wear your hair rather than the dead straight blunt fringe. To DIY: Use a flat iron and give a little bend by curving the iron right at the [...]
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Ingmar Bergman Studies

Diposting oleh good reading on Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Updated September 19, 2011Film Studies For Free brings you, below, a very long list indeed of links to online and openly accessible studies of the work of Ingmar Bergman. The list was especially inspired by hearing of the first of the three video studies [...]
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Food Reward: a Dominant Factor in Obesity, Part VII

Diposting oleh good reading on Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Now that I've explained the importance of food reward to obesity, and you're tired of reading about it, it's time to share my ideas on how to prevent and perhaps reverse fat gain.  First, I want to point out that although food reward is important, [...]
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Memory Screens: New Issue of IMAGE AND NARRATIVE

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Frame grab from 1975 (Shaun Wilson, version 1 (2005), DV as single channel DVD, colour, sound, 5mins). Visit Shaun Wilson's website here and read his article about 'home movies' hereThe concept of memory screens is an overarching [...]
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"Born in a dream": studies of Ritwik Ghatak

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Subarnarekha (lit. "Golden Line/Thread", Ritwik Ghatak, India, 1962-65)All motion, in fact, has the same origin. The camera moves, so do men. Then everything comes to rest, or, various integral compositions made out of these create a whole design born [...]
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The End of the Box Braids

Diposting oleh good reading on Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Sorry that I've been MIA lately. The last couple of weeks have been strange for us. Syd went to camp for a week. The day after she came back, she went to stay with family members while I went on a mini vacation for a few [...]
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New SCOPE: Chris Marker, Cult cinema, Dance on Film, 1970s Film Theory

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Image from The Company (Robert Altman, 2003)Today, Film Studies For Free is thrilled to point you in the tremendous direction of the latest contents of Scope: An Online Journal of Film and Television Studies. There's lots [...]
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Diposting oleh good reading on Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

I love Chinese banquet food.  Though we didn’t eat a formal banquet menu today, we had many dishes that were banquet-wow.Case in point is the Wintermelon soup.  Yowsa, what a neat presentation!  The soup comes [...]


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Image from Guest (José Luis Guerin, 2010)Film Studies For Free took a little break and caught up with some reading. A mini flurry of posts will issue as a result over the next few days, including this first one listing links [...]