In other news... Keith and I went to see my breast surgeon today. We talked through a couple of scenarios. The next step is for me to get another breast MRI. He wants me to get this a week after my last round of chemo (hopefully that is next week). The scan will give us a very detailed picture of what is left of the cancer in my breast. The results of this scan will determine what kind of surgery my surgeon would recommend. If there is just one spot left, he'd recommend a lumpectomy followed by radiation. If there are two spots left (there were two spots visible in my MRI in January (before chemo)), he'd recommend a mastectomy. I just want to get rid the cancer that is left. I know the recovery from the mastectomy will be harder, but honestly I'm totally ok with that. I'm actually excited to get rid of this crap. Yes, I know there is probably more floating around, but anything I can do to get rid of it is good by me.
My surgeon also spilled the beans that my oncologist is leaving?!?!?! From the sound of it, he wasn't supposed to tell me, so I'll keep my trap shut and pretend to be surprised when she tells me. I don't know how I feel about this. I trust my oncologist, but she isn't the most warm person. The doctor I will be transferred to comes highly recommended and hopefully she is a little more personable, but no matter what change is hard. I'm just feeling happier than ever that I have my trusty second opinion oncologist at UCSF (hopefully she isn't going anywhere anytime soon!).
Wish me luck for chemo next week. At this point I wouldn't be at all surprised if my counts are too low for chemo despite all my bone soup!
Send good vibes up to Duluth for Keith's mom (and her doctors)!
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