Eileen's port redness has returned and it looks to be getting a little worse again, but she says it doesn't really bother her. (I joke that it looks like she has a piece of twizzler stuck to her neck.) The doc checked it this morning and didn't seem too concerned about it at all really, so I guess it just is what it is until it either clears up again or gets bad enough to do something about. It was nice to have someone look at it again though, just to confirm that we needn't worry about it.
Eileen shared with me that she's been freaking out the last few days because her arm pits (read: lymph nodes) have been sore. She was concerned (convinced?) that the pain was an indication that the cancer had gotten another foothold. As it turns out, she realized that the new shirts she bought don't fit right in that area. Could be cancer.....or, just poorly fitting clothes. Argh! See what a mindfuck this is? It's so easy to freak about every little ache and pain! (Hell, I'm even doing it....oh and I swear I get sympathetic chemo side effects.)
Anyway, thanks for playing along. We're looking forward to some better sleep tonight.
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