Storytelling sans frontières? On Adaptation, Remaking, Intertextuality, and Transmediality

Diposting oleh good reading on Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Still from the trailer for (The Twilight Saga:) New Moon (Chris Weitz, 2009)

Another rather long links list today, this time on one of Film Studies For Free's author's main research specialisms: adaptation (and remaking, 'remediation', 'transmediality') and intertextuality. The list -- as always of direct links to openly-accessible scholarly resources -- is particularly meaty in celebration of a very cool happening. A proposed contribution by her on these topics to a panel at the Los Angeles Society of Cinema and Media Studies annual conference in 2010 was accepted this week (woohoo!).

A video-essay version of this work -- entitled 'Intertextuality and Anomalousness: Luis Buñuel’s The Young One (1960)' -- part of a great panel called 'Looking Backwards and Thinking Forwards: Engaging the Cinema of 1960 with Multimedia Scholarship' will appear on this website in due course...

So, in celebration of the above, do please enjoy the following links to very high quality scholarly resources on adaptation and narrative transmediality, with a nice little video embedded at the very end:

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