Farewell to Summerisle: Wicker Man links in memory of Edward Woodward

Diposting oleh good reading on Senin, 16 November 2009

Alex Cox introduces The Wicker Man on (the first ever) Moviedrome (BBC2, 1988)

Film Studies For Free was very sad to hear of the death of Edward Woodward. This versatile, talented, and extremely modest actor will be especially remembered in the film world for his brilliant performance as uptight Sergeant Neil Howie, tempted and tormented by Willow/Britt Ekland, in probably the most beguiling, troubling, and certainly one of the most popular, British cult films of all time (in FSFF's HO) The Wicker Man (Robin Hardy, 1973).

Below are some scholarly Wicker Man links in honour, and fond memory, of Woodward's performance in this and other roles:

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