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good reading on Minggu, 30 Maret 2008

I bought a pack of buttermilk recently and used it on 3 separate occasions.I first made a batch of buttermilk muffins following a recipe I copied from a magazine.I replaced the chocolate chips with Reese's peanut butter [...]
More about → Oreo Muffins with Peanut Butter Chips
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good reading on Jumat, 28 Maret 2008

nine-layered black sesame pudding cubesHave you ever had "Nien Goh"? It's the Chinese New Year's rice pudding cake that's steamed. This Black Sesame Pudding recipe is similar to the New Year's rice pudding cake in many [...]
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good reading on Kamis, 27 Maret 2008
This study was released today, demonstrating in 6,583 patients that visceral fat mass in the 40s predicts the risk of dementia in old age. Patients in the highest quintile (20% with the most visceral fat mass) had an almost three-fold higher risk of [...]
More about → Visceral Fat and Dementia
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good reading on Rabu, 26 Maret 2008
This week, I stumbled upon a very interesting series of articles from the lab of Dr. Nir Barzilai.The first article I came across showed that surgical removal of the visceral fat deposit of rats increased their lifespan. Visceral fat (VF) is the "beer [...]
More about → Visceral Fat
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good reading on Selasa, 25 Maret 2008

Have you ever had a craving for sushi?I was at the local market handling a perfectly ripe avocado when the craving hit. I immediately added the avocado to my basket along with some of that fake crabmeat (surimi) made out [...]
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good reading on Senin, 24 Maret 2008
The inhabitants of Okinawa, an island prefecture of Japan, are one of the longest-lived populations in the world. Their diet and lifestyle have been thoroughly studied for this reason. Papers typically focus on their consumption of vegetables, fish, [...]
More about → Okinawa and Lard
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good reading

During the recent one week term break, I grabbed the opportunity to play around with another pizza dough recipe. I have always wanted to try my hands on a homemade thin-crust pizza, and this recipe was the answer to my search.The [...]
More about → Pizza Express
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good reading on Minggu, 23 Maret 2008

Your great-grandmother would have told you that natural, homemade lard is an excellent cooking fat. It has a mild, savory flavor and a high smoke point. It's well suited for sauteing and frying foods, and it makes the [...]
More about → Real Food IV: Lard
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good reading on Rabu, 19 Maret 2008

almond scented madeleinesAfter the resounding success of the Marshmallow Fluff-filled Bittersweet Chocolate Ganache-dipped Chocolate Madeleines with all my tasters, I thought it would be appropriate to go back to the basics [...]
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good reading
From the US Centers for Disease Control website:Since the mid-seventies, the prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased sharply for both adults and children. Data from two NHANES surveys show that among adults aged 20–74 years the prevalence [...]
More about → Thoughts on Obesity, Part I
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good reading on Selasa, 18 Maret 2008

Sugar rushhhhh! spring petits foursseedless raspberry jam sandwiched in the petits fours a platter of these petits fours would be perfect for a dainty tea party. yup, i've munched two of the cakes in the foreground. i [...]
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good reading

Over the past two years, it has already became a family routine that we visit the library almost every weekend...and I must say, the library can be a dangerous place...at least for a cookbook lover like me!!I simply couldn't [...]
More about → Monkey's Favourite Cake
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good reading on Senin, 17 Maret 2008

For those of you who haven't been reading the comments, we've been having a spirited discussion about the diet and health of hunter-gatherers here. I brought up the Kuna indians in Panama, who are immune to hypertension, [...]
More about → Say Hello to the Kuna
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good reading on Minggu, 16 Maret 2008

Fermented milk is regarded by many cultures as a delicious health food. It has cropped up all over the world in different forms: kefir from Caucasia, laban from the Middle East, dahi from India, creme fraiche from Western [...]
More about → Real Food III: Yogurt
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good reading

Spunky's favorite movie is 'Grease'. She always wants her hair to look like Sandy's. So today we went with the flip from the beach scene from the movie.Pull the hair into two ponytails in the front (optional).Spray the ends [...]
More about → A Sandy Flip
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good reading

Excuse this picture. We were in a hurry to get her out the door. She really doesn't have scary eyes.Divide a section in the front of the hair. French braid it back and secure it with an elastic.Pull the remaining hair up [...]
More about → French Braid to Ponytail
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good reading

Smooth and wet the hair. Start out with your braid sections low, just above the ears. French braid it down as far as you want to go. Secure with an elastic. Add a b [...]
More about → Short French Braid
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good reading

I pulled the top half of her hair smooth and then did a knot. I curled the ends with the flat ir [...]
More about → Knot with Curls
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good reading

Sometimes my kids can pull off a center part. I started this one with the intention of French Braids, but I was told that no French Braids were allowed today, so we went with two braids to a ponytail. This one is pretty [...]
More about → Braids to Ponytail with a Center Part
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good reading

*Hairstyle submitted by LaurieThis is Little Londynn. Londynn is going through a braid phase right now so her mom has to come up with all sorts of variations. Here is one in particular.Section the front part of the hair [...]
More about → Side Braid to Ponytail
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good reading on Sabtu, 15 Maret 2008
OK, you know driving isn't good for the environment, but you're going to do it anyway. Here's how to substantially increase your fuel economy without buying a new car:1- Drive deliberately; accelerate gradually. A car uses a lot of fuel when it's accelerating [...]
More about → Improving Fuel Economy
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good reading on Kamis, 13 Maret 2008

I was on the road yesterday driving to a county court to defend myself (unsuccessfully) against a speeding ticket. I reluctantly stopped into a convenience store on my way back, to see if there was anything I would eat [...]
More about → Convenience Store Survival Training
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good reading

While I was waiting for the bus one morning, I decided I'd count cars to see how many were single-occupancy vs. two or more. I came up with a ratio of roughly 20 single-occupancy vehicles for every multiple-occupancy vehicle. [...]
More about → Two Tons of Steel
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good reading on Rabu, 12 Maret 2008

marshmallow fluff-filled bittersweet ganache-dipped chocolate madeleinesWhat a mouth-full! Will these madeleines trigger an involuntary memory in Proustian fashion?These chocolate madeleines from Dorie Greenspan's cookbook [...]