Well, the results are in and it isn't great news. There is an area of enhancement (cancer) growing in the same area as before and there is a new spot on the surface in the front left side of my brain. The results were preliminary (I love that my oncologist just calls right away - even if it is bad news, I'd rather know than be in the dark) but from the sound of it these are small spots. I am officially off the trial again (good - no puking, shitting and sleeping day and night; bad - no cancer killing).
I don't know what's next. I'm waiting to hear from my radiation oncologist. She'll take a look at the scans herself and come up with a plan. I'm hoping they're small enough that we can just blast them with targeted radiation, but we'll just see. As usual, I hate the waiting around and wish my radiation oncologist was more like my medical oncologist. I like them both, but I don't get quick responses from my radiation oncologist- things are much more plodding when dealing with folks in that department (no sense of urgency).
In the mean time, since I'm feeling good, I took advantage and got both cats to the vet, took the dog to the dog park, went to Costco to pick up a couple things and am in the middle of doing laundry and a little cooking. Keeping busy helps keep my mind off the crappy news and uncertainty. I'll feel better once I have a plan of attack!
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