Peanut Butter Cup Cookies

Diposting oleh good reading on Senin, 19 Desember 2011

These cookies are really easy. They're good. And the kids, even the littlest kids can help with them.
I got the 'recipe' from my friend, Kate, a few years ago, and they've joined my holiday baking list ever since.

What You Need:
1 package refrigerated Peanut Butter Cookie dough*
1 package Miniature Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Mini Muffin Pan
Nonstick Cooking Spray

*You can absolutely substitute your own homemade peanut butter cookie dough here. I have had to do that when I couldn't find the refrigerator stuff. The reason I like using the packaged kind is that way I don't have to worry as much about the kids touching the raw dough.

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