Oatmeal, Scones, and a little Giveaway

Diposting oleh good reading on Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Ever since I started baking scones, I have formed the habit of collecting scones recipes whenever I chance upon them. This particular recipe caught my eye right away as the scones are made with some oatmeal. I like the idea [...]
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Australian national cinema studies

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Image from Samson and Delilah (Warwick Thornton, 2009)Film Studies For Free presents its whopping and interdisciplinary list of scholarly links to online and openly accessible studies of one of its favourite national cinemas, [...]
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Great Weekend and a Successful Drip!

Diposting oleh good reading on Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Keith and I (and Red) had a great weekend up in redwood country. Trinidad is a gorgeous little town. We hiked almost 12 miles on Saturday!?! I was pretty stiff after that over-achievement.After a lot of agita and bone [...]
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Icy Cold Birthday Treat

Diposting oleh good reading on Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

I must be out of my mind when I decided that I should make a Baked Alaska just 3 days before my son's birthday. He had asked for fried ice cream as a birthday treat...right after reading one of those 'Horrible Science' series. [...]
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Michael Haneke Studies: videos, podcasts and article links

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Dedicated to the memory of Peter Brunette, 1943-2010True likeness by Catherine GrantThe above is a new video essay produced for Film Studies For Free's baby sister site Filmanalytical. It explores some of the obvious, as well as the more obscure, similarities [...]
More aboutMichael Haneke Studies: videos, podcasts and article links

Interview with Jimmy Moore

Diposting oleh good reading on Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

About two months ago, I did an interview with Jimmy Moore of the Livin' la Vida Low Carb internet empire. I hardly remember what we talked about, but I think it went well. I enjoyed Jimmy's pleasant and open-minded attitude. Head over to Jimmy's website [...]
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Making the meaning affective: Peter Brunette's film studies

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Still image from the final shot of L'Avventura (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1960) Luxuriating in the view over the Sicilian coast, the Mt. Etna volcano, and the Mediterranean sea here at the Taormina Film Festival. Oh [...]
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What's for dinner tonight?

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That's what my elder child would usually ask me over lunch. He will ask about lunch when he's having breakfast and about dinner during lunch. How I wish he shows the same amount of enthusiasm when it comes to his studies [...]
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