Honey Buns

Diposting oleh good reading on Jumat, 31 Oktober 2008

I am so glad I am now back to my baking routine.The first recipe I picked up was none other than a bread recipe from a cookbook I bought recently.It has been quite a long while since I last made any plain, soft buns. While [...]
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Diposting oleh good reading on Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

the quintessential cupcake: a cherry on top I was walking down the street one day, holding a tray of these cupcakes when I suddenly heard a voice."Good-looking cupcakes!"An ambulance was parked at the gas station pump [...]

from Waves to Forest to Floral

Diposting oleh good reading on Senin, 27 Oktober 2008

It was a public holiday yesterday, and since the school's exams were over, we couldn't wait to start the ball rolling for our list of outings scheduled for the coming school vacation. Top on our list is the Southern Ridges...a [...]
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Diposting oleh good reading on Rabu, 22 Oktober 2008

so you want to learn how to make a chocolate rose?Hey hey! I know you're back here for that Chocolate Rose Tutorial...So you wanna impress your friends and neighbours? Make a cake/cupcake and top it off with a few of these [...]

Tart it Up!

Diposting oleh good reading on Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008

This is a very much delayed post. I have been keeping this in my draft box for almost a month. Whenever I wanted to work on this post, some other new and more 'exciting' stuff got into it's way :( I remembered getting pretty [...]
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DART: Many Lessons Learned

Diposting oleh good reading on Senin, 20 Oktober 2008

The Diet and Reinfarction Trial (DART), published in 1989, is one of the most interesting clinical trials I've had the pleasure to read about recently. It included 2,033 British men who had already suffered from an acute [...]
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Halloween Hair...Snow White

Diposting oleh good reading

Start with the ringlets like in the base hair post below and finger comb them out and spray them. Let them dry. I put the headband...Snow White's is red. Make sure you remember that. On a normal day I would probably stop [...]
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