Hair Talk With Rosianna

Diposting oleh good reading on Minggu, 09 Juni 2013

Firstly introduce yourself? Where are you from and what do you do?
Hello, my name is Rosianna, I'm 35 years old. I'm a manager in HR of a big Advertising company in France calling PUBLICIS !
I am a real girly girl! I enjoy being a woman! I have a blog called REVELE TOI which means in French "REVEAL YOURSELF". I try to bring a good image of black woman, I share my world through fashion, travel, food, makeup and hair tutorials.  I share my ideas, I'm not a specialist of anything, just a girl who loves many things.

How long have you been natural?
It was in the beginning of 2009! My last relaxer was in October 2008. Initially I had not planned to go natural, but wanting to take care of my relaxed hair intensely I came across YouTube videos and I discovered blogs and especially personalities like Fatou from the blog BlackBeautyBag, Naptural85, curlychronicles, xGOLDn , SimplYounique, 160Days2Lose2 ... and so many more! In an instant I was conquered. Natural seemed like the best way to treat my hair damaged by years of weaving.

If you have transitioned to natural hair what prompted your move from processed to natural?
I did not want to damage my hair with straightening. I wanted to rediscover my real hair texture. I was relaxed when I was a very young girl, and as a grown woman, I wanted to see how my hair looked without a relaxer

How did you transition, did you big chop?
Unfortunately I did not big chop as people tend when you want to start your natural hair journey.  Sometimes I regret it a little bit because I cut only the end of my relaxed hair as the real natural hair grew.

What were the main reasons for your choice to wear your natural hair?
It is a mixture. I think it's healthier but also and above all beautiful. Women with natural hair inspired me! They are imaginative, adopting a multitude of different hairstyles, they dare to

What are your earliest hair memories? How did these memories influence your hair journey today?
My first memories are of large braids that I wore as a child to go to camp! I love this hairstyle and at least once a year I do it again ... I'm sad!

What does having natural hair mean to you? 
This is of course a lifestyle. The first time was a bit difficult socially and took time for family and friends to get used to it.But it is only hair and once properly explained the whole process is easier.

How do you keep your hair looking so good?
I love the twist out and I know I abused. My tips suffered a bit! My routine is simple:
In the  evening, I use a mixture of oils with sheabutter, I keep it on overnight. The next day, I rinse with warm water gently massaging my scalp. Right now I only wash a clarifying shampoo once a month. I then apply a mask and I spend 20 minutes with my hair steamer my latest acquisition which I am very happy with! I rinse my hair and detangle with a wide tooth comb, apply a leave in and moisturiser  Then I  twist and allow to air dry.

What are your go to products? 
For the moment I try to use a maximum of one product at a time. And for now I use the range of the French brand Farida b, which is easy to use and well suited to my hair.

What are your go to hair styles?
Here is one of my favourite hairstyles because it's very easy to achieve and it is very convenient

How do you protect your hair in the winter months?
I wear braids, or weaves (I only keep a maximum of 6 weeks). But even with this kind of hairstyle I try to be creative and make different hairstyles not to bore me! During this period I took the opportunity to do a course of dietary supplements. And I try to take care of my hair from the inside, eating healthily and drinking plenty of water.

What hair styles will you wear this summer?
Probably large braids if I go to the sea for the holidays, otherwise I will opt for twist out or chignons.

Has having natural hair changed your fashion style?
I've always loved fashion since childhood, my clothing style as the hairstyle that I wear change depending on my mood. Yes we can say that my clothing choices have changed a little and it allows me to madness.

What is your biggest hair wow?
Here's a photo of my hair that I love, they are still not as long as I would like but this length allows me to express myself and make very pretty hairstyles

What is your biggest hair fail?
Oh dear this is very easy, it is the mini twist, I do not like the result on my hair because they are very thin. I don't really like wash & go's either as I can not control the outcome.

Do you have any advice for women starting out on their natural hair journey?
Take time to find YOUR own rhythm and discover and develop this routine. We are all different and it is useless to compare ourselves to friends who have a lot of length or more beautiful hair! Our turn will come. Patience is the real secret to success. Furthermore, it is important to have a healthy life!

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