Baby Belle @ 5 months

Diposting oleh good reading on Jumat, 15 Februari 2013

Yay Baby Belle is 5 months old, And this giggle monster is coming along nicely! almost sitting up, chattering and smiling non stop. 

We are currently loving reading bed time stories, Baby Belle has started to gain interest in lyrical rhyming books as long as we read really animated she giggles her head off! our favourites are The Giant Jam Sandwich and the classic Hungry Caterpillar. 

Our little lady is still working the camera like a pro, I take so many pictures of this little cherub it's almost an illness I post daily picture on Instgram (@belleisnatural). Some jack ass stole my camera a few weeks ago so I have been looking for ways to produce interesting hard copies of my images (remember actual pictures?) There are some great websites for printing out your Instagram Photos here and here

Soft cover Instagram Books

Baby Belle is  also loving her  Jump About baby bouncer

Oh and kicking her big brothers butt!

All in all life is pretty sweet for the 5 month old intent on world domination! 

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