For Valentine's Day, I wanted to bake Bebe and Bib some cookies.
Fortuitously, I remembered that I had a slab of butter cookie dough left over from Christmas Baking in the freezer. I had even rolled it out and saved it between parchment and plastic wrap.
I whipped up a simple royal icing using meringue powder and confectioners' sugar and rummaged around for my food colouring. I found the powdered stuff and put a pinch into the mixer. The colour was kind of icky and so I kept adding pinches of the food colouring but it never did achieve the nice baby pink colour I had intended. Instead, I had an orangey-pink hue.
I did my best to flood the cookies with the icing and decided it was best to disguise the hideous shade of pink with some white royal icing. The quickest and least artistically offensive design I came up with were these dots. 
a plate full of love & kisses
It's not too late to bake some sweets for your sweetie! Click here and here for good butter cookie recipes.
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