Diposting oleh good reading on Selasa, 07 Agustus 2007

It is a cruel twist of fate that I am in a household where no one (except me) enjoys the sweeter things in life...cakes and pastries. Sure, they'll eat a little to be polite and sometimes they'll even comment how moist or delicious something is. But I can tell. The slices are oh so small you've got to wonder why bother? I am left to "dispose" of my cakes and pastries by sending them off to work or Stomach's workplace. Apparently all the staff at Stomach's work loves the stuff I make and have been kind enough to even request certain cakes. My staff at work are just as kind. There is nothing more satisfying to a baker than to have your baked goods eaten quickly while it's all fresh! Besides, if I ate all the stuff I baked by myself I would be as big as a house.

matcha chiffon cake straight out of the oven

So, I've been resorting to baking mini versions of cakes for my experiments. By creating recipes and variations in a miniature size, I don't have to worry about wasting ingredients. Today I decided to try creating a chiffon with green tea. I added Japanese matcha (green tea powder) to the batter.

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