The shield of YAGNI

Diposting oleh good reading on Sabtu, 31 Maret 2007

YAGNI (you ain't gonna need it) is a good principal, but like anything, too much of a good thing isn't very good at all.Yagni is a tool to keep us on track, to help us make decisions and guide us in our development. Like any other practice, it does not [...]
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Homemade Sushi

Diposting oleh good reading on Rabu, 28 Maret 2007

Since there are only 3 of us at home this week, decided to make sushi for dinner last night. Despite the fact that I have made these sushi for the 5th time this year, I still couldn't manage to roll the maki neatly :(I find [...]
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Xbox is Down!

Diposting oleh good reading on Selasa, 27 Maret 2007

And the oblivion expansion, Shivering Isles, comes out today.What timing... not like I'd be playing anyway, being that I'm at work and have to paint my living room when I get home [...]
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Bonus Session

Diposting oleh good reading

Oksana and my session about pair programming is now featured on the bonus session page for devteach, check it o [...]
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Dried Fig Muffins

Diposting oleh good reading on Senin, 26 Maret 2007

Dried figs are very healthy snacks. A cup of figs will give as much calcium as a cup of milk. Besides being rich in calcium, they are also high in dietary fiber and contain other minerals such as iron, potassium, omega-3 [...]
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I am no electrician...

Diposting oleh good reading on Jumat, 23 Maret 2007

Considering the amount of time I spent as an undergraduate designing analog circuitry, I thought I'd be a decent electrician.This couldn't be more wrong.1. My dexterity skill is low, maybe a 9. I'm a klutz, have poor motor skills, my hand writing is [...]
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Chewy Oatmeal Raisins Cookies

Diposting oleh good reading on Kamis, 22 Maret 2007

Almost two months back, my friend gave me a pack of rolled oats. I have not used it as I have yet to come across any suitable recipes. Lately, I have set some basic requirements when it comes to baking recipes...the amount [...]
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DevTeach here we come!

Diposting oleh good reading on Rabu, 21 Maret 2007

If you missed Oksana and me at Code Camp (or just can't get enough), we'll be hosting a session on pair programming at DevTeach in May!Scott Bellware put together an excellent Agile track, and its going to be a great event.If its not on your schedule, [...]
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I'm an abstract thinker

Diposting oleh good reading on Selasa, 20 Maret 2007

You know those idiot savants who see numbers as colors and can do complex multiplication? I'm kinda like that... I don't think of code or abstractions, I just know them immediately for every problem I encounter... kinda like seeing numbers in color, [...]
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Whats in a name?

Diposting oleh good reading

English is ambiguous. It is easy to misinterpret well formed sentences not to mention variable or class names.As developers, we put the definition of a class in its name. Its a good practice. It enhances readability. Its a difficult skill to master, [...]
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Depressing blog?

Diposting oleh good reading on Senin, 19 Maret 2007

One of my fellow developers told me this blog has been depressing... making them feel that we aren't quite the snazzy agile team.I understand why they feel that way.In the spirit of agile, I write openly about our shortcomings. In many companies people [...]
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Banana Blueberry Bread

Diposting oleh good reading on Minggu, 18 Maret 2007

The one week school holidays is over. It was a good break for all of us. The boys are back to school and I had some quite moments this morning.I had some left over blueberries and bananas, and decided to bake something with [...]
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Chocolate Swirl Bread

Diposting oleh good reading on Kamis, 15 Maret 2007

Ventured into making this challenging Chocolate Swirl Bread this morning.When I first saw this recipe, posted by Ida of Baking Fiend, I thot I should only give it a try after I am more comfortable with bread-making. With [...]
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where do the bugs go?

Diposting oleh good reading on Rabu, 14 Maret 2007

Our 45/55 resource split (or lack of resources) has become apparent on our new product development. We spend 45% of our time on new product work (a very exciting WPF application, Ript) and the other 55% on internal enterprise work (to keep the tv station [...]
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Diposting oleh good reading on Selasa, 13 Maret 2007

Robert recently posted about a web comic he found and I love it!Some of my favorites:fun with resistorssometimes math is uselesspair tacticsThanks Rober [...]
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Blueberry Cream Cheese Tart

Diposting oleh good reading

When I saw a picture of this very delicious looking blueberry tart from a Chinese cookbook (甜心小妙厨), I thought I should give it a try. I like the way the tart is decorated, and it will be a good chance for me to practice [...]
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Continuous Integration, revisited...

Diposting oleh good reading on Senin, 12 Maret 2007

Sorry for the delay... I was sick with a broken dev machine, and without our source tree for reference, my knowledge on the subject is, well, not quite there...Oxygen was setup for continuous integration before I started, so I know the "how" it works, [...]
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Chocolate Chips Brownie Muffins

Diposting oleh good reading on Jumat, 09 Maret 2007

Woke up early this morning to make these brownie muffins for breakfast. This is the second time I have made these rich muffins...they are brownies actually. I adapted the recipe...Pecan and Chocolate Brownies, from one [...]
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Japanese Curry Rice

Diposting oleh good reading on Kamis, 08 Maret 2007

One of the first few simple dishes which I have learnt after I picked up cooking, is the Japanese Curry Rice. My son fell in love with this dish after having tasted it at a foodcourt. I was very glad when I came across this [...]
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Sprint Planning

Diposting oleh good reading on Rabu, 07 Maret 2007

At the end of every sprint review, we have our sprint planning meeting... This is our most painful meeting. We've done a lot to mitigate the suffering and the pain has lessened in return. However, our process, like any, is not without flaws and some [...]
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Heng Hwa Noodles

Diposting oleh good reading on Selasa, 06 Maret 2007

I cooked this noodles or mee sua for dinner last night. It's my own "lazy" version of our traditional dish.When he was still a child, my dad sailed from Putian City in Fujian province in the Southern China to Singapore. [...]
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Development tress and continuous integration...

Diposting oleh good reading

Oksana, who doesn't have a blog to answer this on her own, is very disappointed I have not responded to the comment asking how we setup our development tree for continuous integration...Well, its war room hours and I haven't had a chance to respond, [...]
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Diposting oleh good reading

At the chat on mocks, I mentioned you can test "internal" methods in your test fixture even if it isn't in the same assembly as the class under test (CUT). I used the wrong terminology (of course) and called it making the assembly friends, so if you [...]
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Just a loaf of bread

Diposting oleh good reading on Senin, 05 Maret 2007

It's been quite a while since I last made a bread. I've wanted to try making one last week, but due to the rainy weather, I didn't attempt. I doubt the dough would rise properly when the weather was so cooling. My friend [...]
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Marsha Marsha Monkey

Diposting oleh good reading on Sabtu, 03 Maret 2007

This is meant to be a valentine's day cake. I know, it's way too belated. But both my boys were down with 40degC fever on valentine's I didn't have the energy to bake this. It's no joke having to wake up every other [...]
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Failing at TDD

Diposting oleh good reading

Someone asked for more clarification about how I failed at TDD... I gave reasons why I failed, but no measurement of success. In the class, I had said that I failed until I finally changed my way of thinking and actually got what test driving is all [...]
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Hope you had fun at code camp

Diposting oleh good reading

For everyone who sat in on our talks at code camp, thanks for being a great audience. I'll post some notes, answers to questions and code samples in the near future.We hope you had fun and maybe learned a thing or two [...]
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Killswitch Engaged tonight!

Diposting oleh good reading on Kamis, 01 Maret 2007

I've been looking forward to this for the past two months! I haven't been excited for a concert in a while, so its nice to have the teenage excitement of seeing one of your favorite bands :)The show comes during a tough week because I'm still adjusting [...]
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