Sweet Treat

Diposting oleh good reading on Kamis, 30 September 2010

Dear Reader, Here's wishing you a Happy Children's Day :)Children's Day is a good time to remind ourselves that we were once kids, and we should take this opportunity to recapture our childhood innocence, shouldn't we?This [...]
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Evaluating 90210 & Public Health Interventions: My Perfect Fantasy Job

Diposting oleh good reading on Rabu, 29 September 2010

Cases in Public Health Communication & Marketing is an online, open-access journal (coming out of the George Washington (GW) University School of Public Health and Health Services) which focuses exclusively on case studies [...]
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"Any Zombies Out There?" Undead Film Studies

Diposting oleh good reading on Selasa, 28 September 2010

Image from I Walked with a Zombie (Jacques Tourneur, 1943)The zombies in these films are a kind of revolutionary force of predators without a revolutionary program. Their only concern is to satisfy an instinctual drive for [...]
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Dreamscape LV

Diposting oleh good reading

Just a normal day. Erin was quite happy how things were, studying biology and off to see her boyfriend.He, however, was about to change everything. Her boyfriend, Terry, wants her to just watch him as he listens to a [...]
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Rare Treasures - Dinnerware Trading Company

Diposting oleh good reading

It’s time to get creative! When you inherit the Cavendish heirloom china company, it’s in desperate need of some work. The once grand dinnerware company is now in need of new patterns to restore its reputation for elegance [...]
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Tasty Planet 2: Back for Seconds

Diposting oleh good reading

Play as a ball of grey goo traveling through time and eating everything along the way! Huge levels, 2-player cooperative mode, high scores, and more! Read More...Thanks [...]
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Laxius Force 3: The Last Stand

Diposting oleh good reading

100+ hours game featuring 42 playable characters and 150+ quests! The absolutely stunning finale of the trilogy! Random is finally going to meet the Grand Commendanter! What will be the outcome? Will the Laxius Force or [...]
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Mystery P.I. - Stolen in San Francisco

Diposting oleh good reading

$250 Million in solid gold has been stolen from an armored car. The gold's owner has hired you to find & return the gold before the trail goes cold and it is lost forever. Seek & Find over 2100 hidden objects [...]
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Goddess Chronicles

Diposting oleh good reading

Take on the role of Adonia, an up and coming goddess, and overcome numerous challenges in your quest for immortality. The journey begins on Mount Olympus where on accepting to undergo the trials of the Guardian you are [...]
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WMC 4: Little Black Lies

Diposting oleh good reading

As the fumes thicken, best-selling true crimes author Regina Blacklock fades in and out of consciousness. Falling inches short from discovering the truth behind a 35 year old case she has been researching, police are [...]
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Our Weekend Breakfast

Diposting oleh good reading on Senin, 27 September 2010

Our weekday breakfast foods are usually quick and simple...nothing beyond the usual bread with peanut butter, or the occasional slice of cake. Only during the weekends, I can afford the time to prepare something hot and [...]
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35 Open Access Film and Moving Image Studies Books from Amsterdam University Press

Diposting oleh good reading

Image from Rhapsody of Steel, a 1959 animated industrial film by John Sutherland, which you can watch online. You can read about industrial films in Vinzenz Hediger and Patrick Vonderau's remarkable collection Films that [...]
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Potatoes and Human Health, Part II

Diposting oleh good reading on Sabtu, 25 September 2010

Glycoalkaloids in Commonly Eaten PotatoesLike many edible plants, potatoes contain substances designed to protect them from marauding creatures. The main two substances we're concerned with are alpha-solanine and alpha-chaconine, [...]
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Back to Basics

Diposting oleh good reading on Kamis, 23 September 2010

I think I am almost there... I don't seem to have much luck when it comes to making loaf bread lately. I always have this problem with dough taking too long to fill up the bread pan during the second rise. Most of the time, [...]
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Resort Tycoon: Winter

Diposting oleh good reading on Rabu, 22 September 2010

Test your strength and potential in real estate market. Here is not only a harsh winter, but a severe competition. Nobody will give you a titbit just like that. Don’t expect an easy walk entering real estate business. [...]
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